How many watch crunch badges do you have?

19 votes ·

I don't know, and I don't know how to find out anymore. Just got my Wristy 365 today though, so now I don't need to remember to pay a pictor every day anymore!


have none 😂


More than one


I don't know, and I don't know how to find out anymore. Just got my Wristy 365 today though, so now I don't need to remember to pay a pictor every day anymore!

I think it's just on your profile


More than one

My favorite Daft Punk song.


I don’t know and I don’t care.

Because I don’t have a mental age of six.


No idea, never checked. Don't care 😱


I don’t even have the minimum on this poll 😅


I think it's just on your profile

Gotcha. Used to clock on a badge and it would all of you wanted to see them all, and it had counters before ones you didn't have to show how close you were. Now I guess you just slide through all the ones you do have (12 here, apparently), and that's all.