Citizen websites are a fucking mess!

They go through all this work to make GPS watches that get accurate time from satellites depending on the watch's exact location (still have to change daylight savings manually which is a bit stupid) but then if people are interested the websites are an absolute joke.

Sizing info of the watches is often completely wrong, many of the images are blurry as shit, some images are cropped with half the watch missing (the image itself, not an error with page spacing), and some pages won't even load.

What on Earth are they doing... 🤦‍♂️


Looks like you're on the global site. Visit the Citizen site for the country you're in. The global site is more like the company's annual report.


Looks like you're on the global site. Visit the Citizen site for the country you're in. The global site is more like the company's annual report.

I visited all their sites


Just visited both the U.S. and Global site and everything looks fine on my end. Maybe contact their support team and let them know which pages aren't showing up.