Is it worth $530?

Due to the rules of #1wc I can't wear any other watches. Thus, I haven't ordered any watches recently. However, today I stumbled on this beautiful wall clock. Haha. Looks like I can acquire this without breaking #1wc rules. Is this thing worth it? For about 530 bux.
76 votes ·

Not buying this would be a crime


Then maybe you can be the first to get a clock badge


It's all Greg's fault! So you buy that wall clock and then blame him too! 😉


Whats the deal with the hashtag?


Whats the deal with the hashtag?

#1wc means One Watch Challenge.


Damn, #1wc is still going on?? I’d have thought everyone would have given up by now, or had been weeded out by Aurelian’s obscure references in a dead language buried in a banned post…

Anyway, buy the clock man! At least more original than the omnipresent Rollie one :)


Damn, #1wc is still going on?? I’d have thought everyone would have given up by now, or had been weeded out by Aurelian’s obscure references in a dead language buried in a banned post…

Anyway, buy the clock man! At least more original than the omnipresent Rollie one :)


Too thick. Put another watch on already.


Too thick. Put another watch on already.

I’d consider 13.1mm a normal thickness on my IWC 😀


Is that some Chinese clock labeled "Patek," or is it truly a Patek licensed product?

I am thinking it is the former.

Maybe look at picking up a JLC Atmos. A serious clock that will give you years of enjoyment.


Is that some Chinese clock labeled "Patek," or is it truly a Patek licensed product?

I am thinking it is the former.

Maybe look at picking up a JLC Atmos. A serious clock that will give you years of enjoyment.

On ebay the Japanese seller says its genuine product, not for sale (originally intended for watch dealers). But its quartz

JLC Atmos is like 10 grand. For that money I would just buy another JLC wristwatch haha.


On ebay the Japanese seller says its genuine product, not for sale (originally intended for watch dealers). But its quartz

JLC Atmos is like 10 grand. For that money I would just buy another JLC wristwatch haha.

Can pick up an Atmos, pre-owned and serviced for under $1K on eBay.

Have my Dad's that IBM gifted him when he hit 25 years with them. That and a Cartier silver platter.

The Atmos is so much fun.