Performance Art and the Different Ways to Skin a Cat

We all use this site differently. Some treat it like a watch Instagram and stay mostly over on WRUW. Some like to ask opinions as they try to figure out how best to give money to watch companies. Most just lurk and read what the rest of us think.

I like the daily musings of Claude ( @Catskinner ) as he sits on his deck with his morning coffee and cigarette. We see the same watches, we hear the same complaints about the readability of the Ciga Design, but every entry is a slightly different pass at a familiar topic. Watch people like the micro, the small details. This is why my grandfather could watch the Weather Channel on a loop. He had seen rain before, but what about today's rain?


For nearly three years I posted a daily picture on WRUW. I missed a few days in 2022, but it was a daily. I stopped a few weeks ago. Like Bilbo, I felt like too little butter spread on too much toast. I wrote about it over at The Escapement Room. Each day I was selecting a watch to get the most "ooh's" and "aah's". I would ask myself, "What haven't they seen in a while? What has the most "wow" factor?" I was wearing watches for forty or so well meaning Crunchers. I wasn't using my collection for me.

My WRUW was performance art and it was keeping me from fully enjoying what I have. Now, there is a bit of performance in all that we do here. Every NWA, every review of a watch more expensive than the average annual salary in most countries, every G-Shock on a mountain bike, is a small show. There is nothing at all wrong with a little show and tell. But the daily WRUW had to stop for me.

I have been wearing mostly automatic watches in the past few weeks, each one for several days in a row. I am on a little trip (mostly business) and I brought multiple watches, but I have stuck to this Nivada Super Antarctic. There is something nice about having a watch be perfectly accurate when I pick it up in the morning. I don't measure accuracy by the second. I don't have the bandwidth for that silliness. After three days the Nivada is still synced with the time on my phone and computer. Good enough for me.


This is a fun little watch (actually one of my largest). I don't worry about banging into door jambs. Like all Explorer type watches it is informal enough for any activity while maintaining the ability to dress up. Unlike a homage, no one thinks that I am wearing anything other than what it is, if they care at all.

I am finally able to enjoy it for its own sake. I don't need to show it off (then what is this post? -Ed.) The pleasure of the wearing is increased by repetition. Next week it may be another. (hint: @Shbamn50 , my watchmaker called about my Wyler.)


An enjoyable read, thank you. I wish I had your gift for finding words that work so well together. 😊


An enjoyable read, thank you. I wish I had your gift for finding words that work so well together. 😊

Thank you. 🍻


TBH I'm mostly writing these daily musing for myself.

I like your Nivada and I might have bought one for myself too if I didn't already own 4 369 dial watches.


TBH I'm mostly writing these daily musing for myself.

I like your Nivada and I might have bought one for myself too if I didn't already own 4 369 dial watches.

When I bought it I really felt the need for a 369 watch. Having one has kept me from buying a Nodus or Lorier.


I hope it was good news about the Wyler. I can't wait to see it! My new one needs regulated. There is corrosion under the bezel keeping me from getting the movement out through the lens.

I completely understand about posting on WRUW for the oohs and aahs. At times I find myself doing it but 90% of the time I do it for me. I like showing people that they can have fun with any watch they wish to wear. I especially do it for you though. I have been trying to get more than a 👍from you. You just won't budge. 😂


Nice read Greg, I get the WRUW thing however I have a simple goal and it’s approx 30 days away, when I achieve it I will probably back away from WRUW as the repetition and ritual every morning is doing my nut in!

I shall then become a born again lurker 🤣

Have fun and enjoyment with your super Antarctic 👏🏻👏🏻


I always enjoy your insight and well written posts. Great looking NG, I’m enjoying my Tropical Super Antarctic and agree on the timekeeping.


A pleasure to read your posts, as always. Enjoy your good looking Nivada and your new freedom 👍


This post was so good I read it twice. I love that Nivada too.


Yes, I found I was wearing a different watch everyday just so my WRUW wasn't boring for the viewers. Bit ridiculous. So I've stopped posting them and have been happily wearing my Grail for the last couple of weeks & loved every minute of it.

Do like your Nirvada Grenchen, that's lovely 🤩👏🏻👏🏻


Great read and demonstrates why I love this hobby, pursuit, passion, enthusiasm. We all share the excitement of pursuing, purchasing, sharing about watches yet bring our own unique perspectives to the discussions.

And our motivations and interests are not static - we keep evolving and changing.

I am currently wearing a Depthmaster as I read and post. 😃

And also messaging with a watch seller in UK about my potential interest in a vintage Nivada Compensamatic. 👌


I always enjoy your insight and well written posts. Great looking NG, I’m enjoying my Tropical Super Antarctic and agree on the timekeeping.

Mine is the black tropical. It is treated a little less than the brown dial (luv the brown dial).


This post was so good I read it twice. I love that Nivada too.



Yes, I found I was wearing a different watch everyday just so my WRUW wasn't boring for the viewers. Bit ridiculous. So I've stopped posting them and have been happily wearing my Grail for the last couple of weeks & loved every minute of it.

Do like your Nirvada Grenchen, that's lovely 🤩👏🏻👏🏻

So, I am not the only one?


I feel the OP exhibited great restraint in not referring to Sartre here. I was unable to find any good "L'enfer, c'est les autres" memes or I'd post one.


The real question, though, is would that watch win the 1WC?


As ever Greg an entertaining read . I make a point of reading your observations.

Especially pleasing today as that Nivada has been orbiting the top spot on my wish list for a little while now.I will probably go brown dial.....


I don't need to show it off (then what is this post? -Ed.)

Wait, do I leave a like, or not? Damnit man leave your games for 1WC!


Nice #nivada Greg, wear it well 👌🏻


As ever Greg an entertaining read . I make a point of reading your observations.

Especially pleasing today as that Nivada has been orbiting the top spot on my wish list for a little while now.I will probably go brown dial.....

The brown dial drew me in. I opted for the black because I think that it is more versatile with what I usually wear to work.


The real question, though, is would that watch win the 1WC?

It might if someone else wore it. The point of having too many watches is to wear too many watches.

I have even worn it on a NATO:


The brown dial drew me in. I opted for the black because I think that it is more versatile with what I usually wear to work.

Black definitely more versatile. Brown is the winner though!


I pretty much feel the same way.

I keep catching myself trying to take more interesting photos nowadays. Making an effort to take photos outside with better lighting or showing myself doing more interesting things when the opportunity arises. I would wait until I was on a canoe trip or hike. In reality, I'm usually walking my dog in the morning or sitting at my desk working at home.

I'm hanging in until I get that 365 badge. Afterwards it will be more sporadic / when I feel like it.


Lovely read, as usual. But whenever I see or hear the expression in the title, I wonder, “Who wants a skinless cat, anyway?” 🧐



Do you listen to the shipping forecast or the moral maze?


After joining this platform and posting almost daily my WRUW posts have gone to almost 0 in last 6 months, not looking at others too. Enjoying other aspects of this app more. Maybe it is connected to the fact it looks like IG posts and I don't have any social media channel, jut not my thing. Btw lovely Nivada Greg, waiting on my first Nivada too ( F77 with meteorite dial ).


I had to google what “L’enfer” means

Here’s my meme:


WRUW is all performance for me. I will also admit that I've been trying to get the 365 badge starting from 1. I'm now at 108.

When I got 180 badge I stopped posting, for weeks, just giving it a rest. I really enjoyed those weeks of not posting WRUW. I still wore the watches but I wore them for me, not for WRUW.

I'm thinking of letting the 365 badge go, to be honest. The badges don't matter. Just something fun to get when you get them. I don't really want to be enslaved to that kind of goal, however fun it might be.

I haven't made up my mind yet. Just like I haven't made up my mind about participating in #1wc.


Time for a (perhaps) more thoughtful response. I enjoy WC. The shared interest keeps things on track better than other “social” media I’ve tried. But we have to admit its influence on our collecting behavior.

I’ll admit the lure of participation badges is far stronger than makes any rational sense. But here I am 33 days from my Wristy 365. I intend to get it, but we’ll see what comes after. As a work from home employee, I’ve come to embrace the value of ritual. I could keep going just for the engagement with my collection. But I won’t sweat it if it ends.

I’d say my WRUW are performative about half the time. There are days I know what I’ll wear and I post it. There are other days I’m thinking of what others may think. Perhaps it’s a measure of my overall confidence waxing and waning.

I’m a bit unsure of #1wc, too. As much as I want to be seen as a participant/contributer, I’m curious to see how far out of my comfort zone some of the tasks may take me. I (think I) understand the tone of some good natured ribbing, but I was never interested in fraternal hazing either. We’ll see.


Time for a (perhaps) more thoughtful response. I enjoy WC. The shared interest keeps things on track better than other “social” media I’ve tried. But we have to admit its influence on our collecting behavior.

I’ll admit the lure of participation badges is far stronger than makes any rational sense. But here I am 33 days from my Wristy 365. I intend to get it, but we’ll see what comes after. As a work from home employee, I’ve come to embrace the value of ritual. I could keep going just for the engagement with my collection. But I won’t sweat it if it ends.

I’d say my WRUW are performative about half the time. There are days I know what I’ll wear and I post it. There are other days I’m thinking of what others may think. Perhaps it’s a measure of my overall confidence waxing and waning.

I’m a bit unsure of #1wc, too. As much as I want to be seen as a participant/contributer, I’m curious to see how far out of my comfort zone some of the tasks may take me. I (think I) understand the tone of some good natured ribbing, but I was never interested in fraternal hazing either. We’ll see.

The first 1WC was more hazing. I put those warnings in there in case I am in a surly mood one day. It is mostly a series of stupid tasks.