Have you heard of...

Hello everyone, I was bored of reading and listening to people talking about the same watches and brands over and over... So I decided to do some research on my own and found few brands that I have never heard of but had good reviews. Let me know if you have heard of the following or have experience with them in the comments. Thanks!

12 votes ·

None of the above.


Wouldn’t own any of them, not sure many do, but will give props to Klockers (horrible name) for at least being interesting.


Never heard of any of those and probably never will again 🤣


None of the above


Delbana made some very nice chiccolatone cases watches back in the day!


Haven’t heard of any of them. If you want to check out some lesser known brands, have a look at @ChronoGuy‘s recent two posts about microbrands.







As mentioned, I have not heard of any of these brands until last night. The funny thing is that Delbana has been around since 1931.